Why are my Barn and Bin Empty Dates Different?

BinSentry will display various Empty Dates based on either Barn or Bin Consumption

Depending on your physical barn set up you may see different empty dates on individual bins versus their corresponding barn. 

In the below example, Bin 5A is empty and Bin 5B is half full. The empty date of the Barn (Blue) shows 2.4 days and will take in to account previous consumption on both 5A and 5B. Alternatively empty date on Bin 5B (yellow) show 3.3 days and will only take in to account its own consumption. 

The Barn Page below is the same example as above. The empty date of the barn (blue) shows 2.4 days, because it takes in to account the previous consumption on Bin 5A, despite that bin being empty. The current feed in Bin 5B without taking in to account Bin 5A would last 3.3 days (yellow). When bins are physically in tandem at a site, the Barn Empty Dates will always be more accurate. 

Note: After a refill, the empty dates on both Bins and Barns will need 1-3 readings to recalibrate as it detects the consumption or if slides are shut.