What permission does each role get in BinSentry?

Here is a table summary of the various Roles and Permissions within BinSentry.

Role Permissions Matrix

  Admin Sales Rep Producer Producer (No Orders)
Read Bins
Create Bins      
Update Bins      
Read Bin Analytics
Read Organizations
Manage Organizations      
Read Orders  
Approve Orders      
Manage Orders      
Manage Users

Read Bins

  • Any action that allows the user to view a bin, or information relating to a bin, either in the UI or through the API.

Create Bins

  • Any action that allows the user to create a bin of any type.
  • Required to start the aggregate bin creation wizard, as well as create mill bins. When viewing a list of Work Orders against an account/mill organization, the user must have this permission.
  • The ability to create/update bin tags

Update Bins

  • Any action that allows the user to update a bin of any type, or information relating to a bin (ex bin-levels).
  • Determines if a user can create a bin level for an unmonitored bin.
  • Determines if a user can move, copy, or delete a bin.
  • The ability to create/update bin tags

Read Bin Analytics 

  • Any action that allows the user to view data about bins, including bin levels.
  • Specific to 3D bins, this permission allows the user to view feed masks and height maps.
  • Specific to group events, allows the user to view detected groups, flatlines, and outages
  • Determines if a user can use the bin CSV exporter.
  • Specific notifications that require this:
      • Barn Empty
      • Feed Outage
      • Multiple Slides Open
      • Consumption Deviation
      • Barn Feed Flatline
Read Organizations
  • Anything related to viewing organizations.

Manage Organizations 

  • Anything related to creating or updating organizations.
  • The ability to create or update feeds.
  • The ability to call webhooks in API.
  • One of the permissions needed to import bins.
  • One of the permissions needed to import users.
  • The ability to update third party integration configurations (ex. FAS)
  • Able to create/update tags on organizations

Read Orders

  • Anything related to viewing orders.
  • The ability to view flock reports.
  • The ability to view consumption plans

Approve Orders 

  • Anything related to moving an order to a finalized state. Specifically Order Requests and order acknowledgements.
  • Paired with Manage Orders, needed for creating/updating consumption plans. 
  • Specific notifications that require this:
      • New Order (Approval Pending)
      • Late Order

Manage Orders 

  • Anything related to creating or updating orders
  • Updating the medicated feed of a bin
  • Required to attach a feed budget to a barn (wizard) and create templates
  • Required to create or update a feed budget
  • Required to create third-party orders (ex. FAS, FMM)

Manage Users 

  • Updating User Preferences, including metric preferences
  • Ability to invite users, and manage invites
  • One of the permissions needed to import users.