What is the BinSentry Dashboard?

Dashboard is your home base in BinSentry.

The BinSentry Dashboards allows you to see the Customers or Farms which have bins going empty without an Order placed in BinSentry. 

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You will see an easy to read timeline of the next 7 days:

  • Red Numbers will show you how many bins per Customer or Farm that will be going empty.
  • Dashes mean no bins require attention.
  • Grey Boxes denote where the weekend is to quickly show you if bins require attention during a time when you may not be delivering feed.

Simply Click a Customer or Farm location to view their Barn and Bins locations. Use the filters along the top of the timeline to sort by Customers or Farms, Alphabetically or by Empty Date.

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All of the Barn locations will have 1 or more Bins nested underneath. Each of the Bin Cards has the same layout and information to make reviewing easy. 

The Bin Card is comprised of 3 main areas:

  1. Bin Level Visual - The far left of every Bin Card will show you the current level based on the cone and number of rings.
  2. Bin Level Data - The Middle section of a Bin Card will show you the projected empty date, the last feel level taken, and allow you to click a View Bin button to see more information on the [Bin Details Page]
  3. Order Status - The Right side of a Bin Card will show you the Order Status for that bin. It will show you if there is an order placed in BinSentry, how much, for when and who completed the order. If you click "View Orders" it will [start the Ordering Process]
    • BinSentry can automatically Suggest Orders to you based on Historical consumption, [learn more about Suggested Orders here]!

Now that you have the basics down, head back to another Customer or Farm and start placing your orders! 

Still need some more information on Placing Orders? [Head over to our Orders area to learn more]