What does it mean when a sensor is being trained?

When given the opportunity to improve and learn from seeing inside your bin, we take it.

You may have a banner on your bin page or been told your sensor is scheduled for training. Algorithm Training is a chance for our software and sensors to learn from real world scenarios and better adapt to them in the future. Our Artificial Intelligence experts are able to review and update our data segmentation model to help it learn. 

Training can be required for multiple reasons:

  • Extra/unexpected light sources, including Poly Bins
  • Objects inside bins or too close to the lens
  • Newly Installed bins without a lot of history
  • The sensor has never seen the bottom of a bin
  • Non-centered lid positioning

A benefit of this exercise is that training for a specific bin helps all bins not just the one that needed it. Typically training is completed on a 2 week cycle and you will be notified it has been completed.