What does each Order Type and Order State mean in Order Manager?

Order Type is the method used to create orders Order State is the status of feed orders created

In the "Order Managers" page under Order state are multiple statuses. each one of those have a different meaning and it is important to understand each meaning.

Order Types:

Manual Input: the order was created manually by a BinSentry User

Suggestion: an pending order created by BinSentry that suggests feed orders to make the order process more efficient

Customer Request: a producer has requested an order to the sales representative or mill administrator

Feed Budget: an order that was created during the creation of a feed budget

Order States:

Name Icon Description
Suggestion Pending Status of the order is waiting for approval from the mill administrator or sales representative
Customer Request Pending Status of the order is waiting for approval from the mill administrator or sales representative
Draft Order Order has been created but not confirmed or scheduled. These orders can be either from a feed budget or a manual input
Scheduled Order Order that has been confirmed and scheduled 
Delivered BinSentry detected an increase in the feed 2 days before or 1 day after the order was scheduled to arrive 
Delivered Late BinSentry detected an increase in feed for the bin however this feed delivery was up to 24hrs after the feed was scheduled to be delivered. 
Missed Delivery BinSentry did not detect an increase in feed after more than 24 hours after the the delivery was schedule to arrive 

Feed order was cancelled