What do the various Roles in BinSentry do?

Choose different roles within BinSentry.

BinSentry allows you to add users to various areas of your account, including your producers. The users can have different permissions based on what they need to see inside BinSentry.

There are 4 different types of Roles in BinSentry:

  1. Mill Administrator - This Role allows your Mill Employees to have high level access. They will have read and write permissions in nearly every area of BinSentry. They can manage organization hierarchy, bins and orders.
  2. Sales Representative - One level down from the Mill Admin, you can set up your sales reps to only see their customers in BinSentry. They can review and place orders, but cannot update information, add users, or other Admin functions.
  3. Producer - A baseline level of access can be given to producers or growers. This allows them to review their Bin levels (by percentage full only), and also request orders. Producer users may also see if the Mill has place orders in BinSentry on their bins. 
  4. Producer (No Orders) - A baseline level of access can be given to producers or growers. This allows them to review their Bin levels (by percentage full only), however will not see any order actions the Mill takes.  

You may add users to multiple customer as needed.