What Biosecurity Policies does BinSentry have in place?

BinSentry will make every effort to reduce the potential for cross contamination, mitigating risk by implementing and following clearly defined protocols with regards to biosecurity and farm security.

A disease outbreak has the potential to be catastrophic for the producer, the broader agricultural community, industry and our economy. BinSentry strives to do our part to prevent the spread of infectious disease and prevent the negative effects that they may have on our customers and their partners.

To mitigate the risk of introduction and/or spread of disease, our technicians will adhere to the following at all times, while on farm:

  • Do not eat food while on the premises.
  • Do not, at any point, have direct contact with animals, animal pens or feed alleys.
  • Do not enter a farm site with soiled clothing(biological matter, mud, animal waste, dirt, etc.).
  • Do not leave tools, parts or garbage at the site.
  • Take an inventory of all tools to ensure that none are unaccounted for or missing.
  • Keep a log of farms visited including date and times.

Service Technician Expectations:

  • Spray their vehicle and boots with disinfectant upon arrival and before departure. 
  • Wear disposable boot covers, gloves and overalls when visiting a farm as required.
  • Always wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to leaving the premises. 
  • Wash hands thoroughly before eating.
  • Ensure all equipment has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and stored appropriately.
  • Clean and disinfect all borrowed equipment and tools prior to use and before returning them.

Daily Expectations:

  • Wash boots at the end of each day and in-between farm visits, using a disinfectant.

Weekly Expectations:

  • Vehicles must be washed a minimum of once a week(or earlier if a build up of organic material is observed) ensuring proper run off.
  • Mats in vehicles must be sprayed down with disinfectant spray weekly or as needed.