Why do my readings not match my order?

Sensor data is looking good, but something isn't adding up. 

There are metrics that can be changed to ensure bin levels are as accurate as possible. 

1. Bulk Density - Our default bulk density is 40lbs/ft3 but this may not work for all feed types. This can impact our weight calculations and it's worth looking at. 

    • You can learn how to update your bulk density here. 
    • Your nutritionist/feed mill manager may know this information already. 
    • To measure your feeds bulk density you could use a 1x1x1 box, fill it with your feed and weight it. 

      bulk 1-1

2. Bin Capacity - What is the BinSentry Capacity of your bin and how is it calculated? 


    • You can learn more about capacities in this article here. 
    • Note: The topper portion of a bin is not included in our calculated capacity which would result in a lower capacity than the manufacturers rating. This also helps account for how feed piles up during a refill.

3. Consumption - Could be an additional factor in why the level doesn't match the order. Below you will see how a refill should look, without any consumption:

consumpt 2a-2

Next, you'll see below where the first reading we took after a refill has already seen consumption. There will usually be a divot or area of missing feed in the center. This usually happens when we take a reading a few hours after a refill if that's when our next scheduled reading is set to happen.

consumpt 1a-2