How to use BinSentry to minimize leftover feed?

The use of feed budgets and feed orders can make it so that leftover feed and the labor to reclaim it is lowered!

As producers get closer to marketing their animals, it is important to be mindful of the amount of feed onsite and amount of feed needed to order before marketing of livestock occurs. BinSentry has multiple ways to assist in minimizing the amount of feed that needs to be reclaimed or wasted.

Project Feed Inventory through Feed Orders

If you know that your barn will be empty on a certain date you can use feed orders to forecast the amount of feed to order for that date. Click on "View Orders" from the main dashboard will show you a projected time that feed will run out of the bin based on the past 3 days of consumption. If there isn't enough feed you can then click "Create Order", select the feed type, and then adjust the amount of feed to get to marketing date. 

For example, this producer has been notified that his birds will be marketed on early Friday morning. He wants to make sure he has enough feed. He goes to the dashboard and finds the bin he has feed leftover in and clicks on "View Orders". The graph currently shows that he will run out of feed on Tuesday so he goes to create a new order. 

He selects the feed type he need and projects that he will need 12 tons to be ready for marketing early Friday morning. This would have saved sending nearly 3 tons of feed.

Adjusting Feed Budgets

Feed budgets are a great tool to prepare for upcoming marketing and ensuring feed reclaim is limited or eliminated. To access a feed budget, go to dashboard and select the customer/farm of interest. Next to the barn title will show the feed budget in progress. Click on the feed budget and this will take you to the scheduler view. Based on the information of marketing you can adjust the amount of feed by adjusting the animal count.

For example, the producer below is currently planning to sell all of his animals on Monday the 29th.

The packing plant called and said they want to take half of the animals on Friday the 26th. The producer can then go into Animal count and change the number of animals on the farm. We can now see that the farmer is projected to be 8 tons over budget on the amount of feed. Because he prepared ahead, he can now adjust the amount of feed in the last order to lower the amount of feed that needs to be reclaimed.

Learn all about our Orders and Feed Budgets!