BinSentry can detect Out-of-Feed events in near real-time. This can occur when our readings show there is either, no feed available at a barn or house, or if we detect feed but it is not leaving the bin. Running out-of-feed or not managing slides correctly can lead to potential health issues, or negatively impact Feed Conversion Ratios.
Lets take review at what Empty Bins or Mis-managed Slides look like in BinSentry:
1. Empty Bins/Barns - These events happen when there is no feed in any of the bins attached to a barn.Filter between the two types of events (Empty Bin/Slide Management) by checking the boxes above the graph. If you highlight any bar on the graph you will see the total events that occurred in that month.
This can be viewed by Month, by Site, or in List format.
There is a toggle on the top right of the chart, allowing you to choose between how many events occurred, or how long the event happened for.
Once filtered you can then look at the distribution by site to review rankings of all sites.
Visually see which locations are having the most outages and begin to understand which sites are priority for your team.
Taking it a step further, we provide a list format which aggregates all out of feed (OOF) events by date and time and allows you to click on individual events and review these occurrences on the barn page. This can be exported to CSV.
You can select a specific month and view the events in your selection.
Selecting an option from the list view will bring you to a graph view highlighting the event.
Insights can also be filtered by date range, you can filter between all time or set a custom date range. Our defaults selections can be current month, last month, last 3 months or last 6 months.
Get specific and filter by location and provide extra attention to the sites that need it. You are even able to include Out Of Feed Events which are a minimum duration. For example: Only show events that are greater than 12 hours in duration since your feeders can hold approximately 12 hours of feed.
Learn more about how BinSentry displays your inventory data here.