How do I Create a Feed Budget in BinSentry?

A feed budget is a plan to grow and feed an animal ensuring dietary compliance, while assisting with order management, planning and forecasting.

Before you get started, make sure you have set up all of your Feed Types!

Learn more about Feed Types.

Let's get started building a Feed Budget

BinSentry has uploaded some of the most common and widely available genetic manuals and uploaded their baseline consumption curve.
  • Click on the "Settings" tab on the left-hand tool bar and select "Feed Budgets". This will bring you to the Feed Budgets screen with the option to "+Create Feed Budget".

  • When creating a Feed Budget, we need a few pieces of information first. We will need you to add a Name, select your Species and Genetic line, then click "Create".

  • Click on the + icon to start adding a Feed Type. Select the feed type, then enter the desired individual consumption amount for that feed type.
  • BinSentry will then calculate the time it should take for one animal to consume the amount entered.
    • You may also click and drag the feed type to reach a certain number of days. We will adjust the consumption amount accordingly. 
  • Repeat for all of the Feed Types you need as part of the plan:
  • At any time you can change the Feed Types, Amounts, Name, Genetics, Livability or Consumption baseline which will be applied to the next flock or turn.