How to Complete your Installation Request form?

Now that you're a BinSentry customer, its time to get installed.

Your Account Manager has provided you with your Installation Request form. Carefully follow the instructions below and send the completed file back to your them and copy

Accuracy of the information here is of the utmost importance. The information in your Installation Request is directly uploaded to BinSentry so having the best quality data before the upload is ideal.

We take Bio-Security seriously. BinSentry technicians will make every effort to reduce the potential for cross-contamination. Our technicians follow clearly defined protocols with regards to biosecurity and farm security. Read our Biosecurity policy here. 

Installation Request Form. The information required in this form will help our technicians ensure they know exactly where to go, and spend no additional time on site or in areas they are not required. When completing this form, ensure only 1 bin is added per line. 

The following columns in the document are required:
  1. Customer Name
  2. Farm Name
  3. Barn Name
  4. Bin Name
  5. Farm Location Address
  6. Barn GPS Latitude
  7. Barn GPS Longitude

Use your Barn GPS location for all bins on the same site, our technician will update the Bin specific GPS location upon workorder completion.

You can also add custom tags to your bins by using any column after the Bin GPS. Simply name the column, and add a value to each row, such as:
update 63

If you have any unlabeled bins we may require a site contact to confirm the bin locations and names.

TIP! Use the Barn Name field to organize your Bins by Room or Feed Line by naming it something like Barn 1 - Room 1