How do I attach a Feed Budget to a Barn?

Manage an entire flock or turns orders in one place in addition to real-time consumption against your plan.

  • Using the Dashboard, navigate to a customer who needs a Feed Budget applied
  • Once you find the Barn location, use the "View Scheduler" link to view the Feed Budget Calendar for that Barn

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  • Click "Attach Feed Budget".

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  • A pop up will appear, you can add the Feed Budget here. The Barn information will be automatically populated.  Once the Feed Budget is attached, click "Next"

    Take a look at this article to learn how to create a Feed Budget 

  • Next add information about when the animals arrive at the Barn and the animal count, then click "Next" to confirm which Bin to use in the order they will be fed from
  • BinSentry can generate Draft Orders for you, or deselect that option and click "Attach Feed Budget "

  • Once you have attached a Feed Budget BinSentry will then build all of the orders that may be required to facilitate this plan!

  • You can attach as many Feed Budgets as you need to in succession, however only 1 Feed Budget may be currently active on a Barn at one time.

Now that you have a budget set up...

Learn more about managing orders in a Feed Budget