How do I "Report A Concern" About a Feed Bin Sensor to BinSentry?

A ticket can be generated in BinSentry that automatically sends to our BinSentry support team.

To report a concern, select the "Bins" tab on the left hand side and select customer. 

Then, select "View Bin"

This will bring you to a screen displaying all of your bin information including level and level history, projections, sensor information, bin details, dimensions and bin location.

At the very top right of the page, next to the Edit Bin button, you can click "Report a Concern" to generate a support ticket.

There is a short questionnaire that helps you tell us what might be wrong.

1. Is the Bin or sensor potentially physically damaged?

2a. Do the levels of the bin look correct?

2b. If you don't agree with the level, please let us know which level you disagree with and click next.

2c. Show us what the level should be:

2d. Then let us know what the weight should have been.

3. If the bin isn't damage, and the level is correct, you may also let us know if the dimensions of the bin may be off. We do measure every bin during the install process in a standardized way, but sometimes it can be off. 

4. Once those questions have been complete, you also have the ability to add extra details to your ticket. 

The more details the better, though we may also ask you some additional question as we're digging in to the issue.

Note: You will receive an automated response immediately, and are typically responded to within 1 business day.