How do I manage Orders as part of a Feed Budget?

BinSentry can generate draft orders for you as part of your Feed Budget. Orders can be moved around between different bins to best match your delivery needs.

    Using BinSentry and Feed Budgets together allow you to easily manage an entire flock or turn's orders in one place.
    Once you have attached a Feed Budget to a Barn, you will be shown the Order Scheduler for that budget and will have the ability to review, edit and confirm orders.

    You can Drag and Drop to move around the draft orders between different days. Click any order to review the projected inventory at the barn and redistribute the load as needed. Continue with it as a draft or confirm it when you are done.

    • Repeat for your other orders as necessary. When you have configured all of your orders, quickly confirm and schedule them by clicking "Confirm Draft Orders".
      If you do not want to confirm all of the orders for the entire plan, we will ask you to confirm the number of days we should confirm orders for and even select which orders you want.

    Click "Confirm" when you are ready to complete the orders as part of your Feed Budget. You will see upcoming Orders on the Bin Cards. You can manage and come back to review your active Feed Budgets at any time.