How can I export my Bin level data in bulk?

BinSentry allows you to easily export bin levels in bulk in a single CSV file.

To export data for all bins within your account
  • Click on the "Bins" tab on the left-hand tool bar to get to the main dashboard.
  • Next, click on the link "Export All bin Levels".

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  • A new popup box will appear. Using the two dropdowns, select the export level information required along with the Time zone.

  • You can choose from the following Export level options. 

  • If you choose any option except for "Export latest bin levels", you will be prompted to add a time or timeframe.
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  • The Time zone drop down allows you to select local time or UTC.

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  • Click "Request" once the required selections have been made.
  • The exported CSV file will contain at minimum:
    • BinSentry Unique Id
    • Organization Path
    • Read Time
    • Bin Capacity (Cubic Feet)  
    • Bin Volume (Cubic Feet)    
    • Bin Weight (Tons)    
    • Percent Full
    • Tags: Any tags applied to the bin will also export with this report.

To export bins from a particular customer or farm

  • Click the "Bins" tab on the left-hand toolbar, filer using the dropdown to select either "Customer" or "Farm"(the one in which you want to export bins) and click "Export".
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  • The same popup box mentioned above will appear. Using the two dropdowns, select the export level information required along with the Time zone and click "Request".

Please note that a csv export request may take 5-10 minutes to complete