How Do I Confirm an Order in a Feed Budget?

Orders in a Feed Budgets will remain in Draft status until they are confirmed.

  • Click the "Bins" icon on the top left, locate bins and select the 3 dot sub-menu to select "View Scheduler".

  • All feed budget orders that have been created and attached to a barn will appear with a pencil in the calendar box and be an off color until they are published and then the pencil be gone and have a bolder color to the order.

  • Click on a Draft order to verify that all order information is correct you can make updates here to one or both bins. You can also see the current total inventory on the left hand side near the Feed Type. You can confirm this individual order now, or continue as a Draft.

  • To Confirm some or all of the Orders in your Feed Budget,  Select "Confirm Draft Orders" on the right hand side 

  • Enter the number of days out you would like to confirm orders within a certain time frame. Select the orders you wish to confirm or choose "Select All"
  • All draft orders will change color to coincide with the chosen feed type. This allows you to determine if orders are still in draft or have been confirmed.