How do I add Tags in BinSentry?

Tags can be added to Customer, Farms or Bins to provide additional information such as Account Numbers, Flock or Group Codes, or even Regions; they will make searching even faster!

Adding Tags to A Bins

  • Click the "Bins" tab on the left-hand side toolbar. Select a Customer or Farm where you would like to see the Barns then Select the bin that you would like to add tags to and click "View Bin"
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  • The next screen will show an overview of the bin. At the top of the screen, you will see any current Tags associated to the bin as well as an "Add/Edit Tags" link
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  • Click "Add/Edit Tags". This screen will show the current tags with the ability to Edit or Delete them. New Tags can be created in the empty Key and Value boxes and then saved

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    You can go back and Edit/Add/Remove tags at any time and can be applied to any bin. There are no limits to the number of tags you can add!

Adding Tags to a Customer or Farm

  • You can also add tags to Customers or Farms, this is useful to assign Field Techs, Region, or Account specific values to increase their searchability! 
  • Navigate to the Settings > Organizations area of BinSentry
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  • Select the customer, or Farm (clicking through a customer), then use the actions tab to update the tags for a Customer or Farm. This is useful for denoting field service/techs, regions to customer numbers.
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You may add as many tags as you like to Bins, Customers or Farms so be sure to use them early and often in BinSentry to improve your searching capabilities!