Getting Started with BinSentry for Producers

Get up and running with your account in a few simple steps

  1. First things first, accepting your invitation to your account will give you access to your inventory. It only takes a minute or two to complete and we walk you through the whole process. 
  2. The next thing to do is set up your metrics and choose how you want your information to be displayed (ex. Pounds, Tons, Percentage). 
    • Change your personal profile metrics
      Note: By default producer users are set to view Percentage Full only, your Mill Administrator can update your account to allow for other metrics as needed. 
  3. Now that you have your metrics set enable some notifications to be alerted to the things you care about most. Such as, barns going empty or slides not being managed properly. 
  4. Your profile metrics and notifications are all set up, now it's time to check your inventory. Whether you're viewing your inventory on bin cards, bin pages or barn pages you'll see the same inventory throughout our dashboard.  

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