Your Personal BinSentry Profile

Tip: Set your metrics preferences before you dive in!

Once you have logged in to your BinSentry Account, you will be able to change your personal BinSentry Profile information, change your password, update your metrics, preferences and more.

To do this, click on the profile button in the right corner of your screen or navigate to:

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This will bring your personal Account page which allows you to change your password, turn on notifications and set your metrics. 

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During your initial account set up you should have chosen your own secure password, but at any time you can update your password in this section.

You can also turn on and off email notifications which allows us to notify you when bins are running empty. Learn more about notifications here.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to add BinSentry to your computers home screen. 

Just click Install to add our logo to your desktop, now you can click to launch our website. 

Last but certainly not least, your BinSentry account can be set up to display various data in whatever units you prefer. It will be important to make sure that you set your metrics to align with what you use everyday when ordering feed. Since this is a personal account setting, your colleagues may have their units set to Pounds vs. Tons, for example. Ultimately BinSentry is showing the equivalent information for all users but you can also update these preferences at any time by going to your Account page.