Frequently Asked Questions

Most common questions and links to articles/resources

Q. How do I add BinSentry to my phone or desktop? 

Q. Can I add other users to our account? 

  • A - Yes, you can add 4 Role Types, Mill Admin, Sales Reps, and Producers (with or without the ability to request orders). Click here to learn how.

Q. Why does the amount I delivered not match the readings on BinSentry? 

  • A - There could be a few factors as to why the amounts differ, this article has some examples to double check

Q. Should I set up different Feed Types in BinSentry? 

Q. Can I delete a bin in BinSentry? 

  • A - For sure, If you have a bin with no orders and the sensor is removed, or a standard bin you can delete the bin on the bin page. Follow the steps in this article. 

Q. Do I need to update the Bulk Density of my feed? 

Q. Why is the calculated capacity different from the Manufactures capacity on my bin page?  

  • A - The calculated capacity is determined  by specific measurements made by our technicians when installing sensors. These measurements help us understand the size of the bin and the how to position the sensor to provide reliable readings. Our calculated capacity does not include the topper portion of the bin. For a more in-depth explanation of how capacity is calculated follow this link. 

Q. How frequently do the sensors scan our inventory? 

  • A - Sensors scans run every 4 hours, which will provide 6 reliable readings per day. To learn more about why 6 scans a day was selected, check out this article.