Creating Site Notifications that are best for you!

Creating the optimal notifications for the Farm Manager, Production Specialist, and Feed Manager.

Site notifications is a wonderful asset to use with the BinSentry platform. It can help on all levels of production to ensure that animals never run out of feed and that feed management is optimally utilized. See article on how to set up notifications: BinSentry Notifications

Many have asked though, "What are the best notifications for myself or my team?". The answer is it depends on your personal goals and what you want to achieve with using BinSentry. Here are some suggestions though for your team based on previous roles held by some of our production experienced collogues.

Farm Managers should have one primary focus and that is the care and wellbeing of the livestock. BinSentry's recommended alerts for the manager are:

  • Bin Consumption and Barn Feed Flatline will alert the manager that bins have feed it just isn't going to the animals
  • Bin Percentage, Bin Empty In, and Barn Empty In will assist in alerting the manager when feed is about to run out
  • Multiple Slides Open will alert when there is feed leaving multiple bins in a barn at the same time
  • Consumption Deviation will alert the manager that there has been either an over/underfeeding event

Production Specialists are tasked with with overseeing multiple farms and in most cases are not able to visit the farms for weeks or months. BinSentry's recommended alerts for you are:

  • Barn Feed Flatlines, Barn Empty In, Multiple Slides Open will alert production specialist that feed that is being given to the animals, the proper feed is going to the animals, and that feed will be running out soon and to order feed
  • Consumption deviation will alert the specialist that there was a over/underfeeding event which may indicate a potential health issue or that feed is being spilt
  • Order Requests and Late Order notifications can alert the specialists that will gain more control over managing feed for their farms.
  • Empty Bin notifications are a great tool to let the specialist know that either the bin is empty in preparation for marketing or that the farm may need more management of feed
  • Bin Unreliable Data is a feature that can alert the specialist that this particular bin may need a closer eye on and that if the problem persists to contact your support agent

Feed Managers have the very important role of making sure feed is delivered in the most cost effective way while also ensuring that farm managers get their orders in a timely manner. Binsentry is attempting to make their job easier than ever and our recommendations for notifications are:

  • New Order, Order Requests, and Late Order Notifications will ensure that feed managers can oversee every aspect of the feed process including making Binsentry a useful tool for efficiency of shipping livestock feed.

Production Directors have a lot on their plate and have delegated most of the animal responsibilities to the specialists and feed managers. It is good however to sometimes keep tabs on how things are going at the farms and have some ease of mind that the animals are properly treated and receiving feed. BinSentry's recommended alerts are:

  •  Consumption Deviation and Bin Empty notifications are a good tool to use to when things may be going wrong and when it is time to reach out to their production team.

There is no limit to the number of personal notifications you can set up for your account. They are a great tool to use to better manage your feed inventory and reduce feed outages.