What are some common feed flow issues?

Feed flow issues and what they look like in BinSentry

Ratholing is an issue which causes the compaction of materials on silo and hopper side walls, which results in a severely restricted material flow forming a narrow hole or channel. Hoppers are prone to this issue if the materials they are storing are cohesive. A large enough hole can collapse inward and cause the level to rise slightly.  

Bridging occurs when fed forms a bridge or arch over the feed auger or discharge point in a  hopper. It can be an interlocking arch, where large particles mechanically interlock to form an obstruction. It can also be a cohesive arch where particles bond together due to effects of moisture, particle shape etc. This would show itself in BinSentry with an unexpected flat line in the consumption graph.

Our latest 3D sensor provides you with a 3D representation of the feed level, volume, and tonnage, enabling precise tracking of feed consumption and the ability to visually detect any irregularities, such as feed flow issues.