BinSentry Notifications

Receive emails when bins need your attention.

Knowing that your bins will not run empty and are filled with fresh feed is imperative to animal health and overall profitability. Getting notified if a Bin is going empty can be a very important notification to receive.

To set up your Notifications, use the Bell Icon on the top right of the Horizon dashboard or head to:

Your BinSentry Account allows you to receive personal email notifications for all bins within your Account. These notifications will be for your own personal email, not for everyone in the account. This means different users can have different notifications set up based on your preferences. Any role type in BinSentry can take advantage of notifications.

Heading to the Notifications (bell icon) will also display your active alerts. On the settings tab you can choose to receive up to 12 different types of notifications:

1. Bin Consumption: this will notify you if there has been no consumption detected on a bin after a certain amount of hours. It can vary but for many applications no consumption for 24 hours is appropriate.

2. Bin Percentage: this will notify you when the bin volume falls below certain percentage. Often we see values of 25-40% depending on production lead times.

3. Bin Empty In: this will notify you when the bin is forecasted to be empty in less than a certain number of days. Often we see values of 2-3 days depending on production lead times.

4. Barn Empty In: this will notify when the barn is forecasted to be empty in less than the number of days indicated.

5. Barn Feed Flatline: this will notify when the barn consumption has not occurred for the number of hours indicated.

6. Multiple Slides Open this will notify you when there is multiple slides open at the barn for the number of hours indicated.

7. Consumption Deviation: Can be set globally, or at the barn level. This will send a notification when the daily average consumption deviates from the 3-day average by more than the set percent (min threshold of 5%).

8. New Order Notifications:  this will notify the producer for Orders scheduled in BinSentry, and will notify mill administrator users when the Producer has requested an Order.

9. Order Request Notifications this will notify of any requests for orders.

10. Late Order Notifications: this will notify of any late orders. 

11. Feed Outage Notification: this will notify of any feed outages so that an order can be quickly placed.

12. Bin Unreliable Data Notification: This will notify of bins that may have poor data quality (ie. outlier readings)


Notifications can be updated at any time and on individual bins, if you need to set a different threshold.