BinSentry Account Hierarchy

Good News! The majority of your Account is already set up for you during installation.

BinSentry will set up the majority of your Account for you based on the installation documents but there are still some important things you can do within the Organizations of your Account.

This is where you can update Customer, Farm, or Barn names, Tags, and Add Users to various levels of your Account, 

1. Navigate to the Account Settings area by hitting the "Gear" icon in the left hand menu of the Dashboard

2. This will show you the Setup menu with links to create: 

3. BinSentry Accounts are always set up with the following hierarchy:

  • Mill > Customer > Farm > Barn > Bin 

Underneath your Mill, you will be able to have 1 or more Customers, those Customers can have one or more Farms, which will have 1 or more Barns, and as a result 1 or more Bins. This way we can group and organize the information in BinSentry in different ways depending on what you need to see.

You can click through your various organizations to update information. 

Learn more about:

Adding Tags or Adding Users!