How do I add new users in BinSentry?

It is easy to add different users to BinSentry, whether it is Mill Employees, Sales Representatives or Producers, everyone can have the same visibility into their inventory with different permissions.

BinSentry allows you to add users to your account for cross department collaboration, as well as for keeping your Producers up-to-date on their current farm inventory. We know there are many people who would benefit from having visibility into the bin without having to climb it or trust inaccurate estimates.

We have created 4 different Role Types you can use in your BinSentry account:

  1. Mill Administrator
  2. Sales Representative
  3. Producer
  4. Producer (No Orders)
  • If you would like a customer to have access to their bin data, or a new employee to have access to BinSentry, you can add them through the Organizations tab. Click the “Settings” icon in the left-hand toolbar (cog icon). A menu will appear, then click “Organizations”.
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  • In this example, Brian’s Feed Co. is the name of the mill. If you wanted to add new employees to BinSentry that should have access to all the organizations’ bins, click “Users” in the bar along the top.

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  • This page will show you all the users that have been added to this level of access. It will also allow you to add a user by clicking on the “+ Invite User” button in the right hand corner.

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  • From this page, a window will pop up that allows you to select the user's role and what they would be able to do. After selecting the user's role, input their e-mail and then press the "Invite User" button.

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You can invite a user to multiple Customers or Farms, and Producers can be invited to multiple Mills. 

  • If you need to add a user who does not need to see all of the bins at a Mill, you can do this from the same section as above, but instead simply click on a Customer Name, and then the Users Tab.

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  • You will see the same "+ Invite User" button we saw at the Mill level

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  • Users can also be added at the Farm level by selecting Settings>Organizations, clicking the customer and then the farm. Once again you will see the the same "+ Invite User" button. Typically the users added here will be Producers

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